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Beginner Finances for the Self-Employed
This article is a companion piece for the beginning of your financial journey, regardless of where that may be.
Bridging the Gap Between Pianist and Technician: An Interview with Mario Igrec
Mario Igrec's experience has shaped his perspective as a performer, rebuilder, technician, teacher, and author.
Valuing a Piano
Placing values on pianos is a valuable skill that, diligently pursued and properly priced, can result in an additional income stream.
The Value of Condemning Expired Pianos
While talented piano technicians may be able to repair pianos, being the bearer of bad news is not always in their skill set.
Developing a Piano Service Business
Developing a sustainable business model with a reliable cache of clients takes patience and strategy, a process that can be daunting.
Field Technician Scripts
Good communication is a difficult aspect of any job, and for the field technician, communication can make or break a career.
Do No Harm: Case Parts Edition
Here are some top Do No Harm practices for protecting case parts that should become habits in your day-to-day life.
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